Thank You Steve Bartha

Dear Danvers Elected Officials and Department Heads,

I recently saw that you are hosting a public forum to discuss the Town's decision to remove the thin blue line flag from our public safety vehicles. Quite possibly, the motivation to host this discussion is the overwhelming amount of public response you have been receiving, most visible are the complaints about the decision, defending the Police's freedom to display what they profess to be their pride in the work they perform for our community. 

I also see that, on social media and by email, leaders within our community (many of our Police and Fire Department officials), are not shy in instigating bullying responses from citizens who support the Police and Fire Departments. None of these instigations acknowledge the current state of extreme racial tensions in our country. It is willful ignorance of the reality, to pretend that flying this flag now has no recourse for oppressed people or that this recourse pales in comparison to the ‘urgency’ in expressing overt support for these public service departments. I can't wait for the police departments across our State to receive race training so they can understand the daily stress a person of color experiences just living in this segregated community that causes all sort of health problems for them. 

Steve Bartha is a true leader with the ability to stand against a group of emotionally charged people who refuse to see what flying this flag on our public service vehicles actually means to People of Color in our community. 

I am appalled that our very good men and women who are paid to protect and serve the entire community are willfully failing to take this into consideration as they voice their bias on this topic. When did a mere profession become such a strong identity separate from our community at large? This behavior wreaks of mafia/gang/mob mentality, a militant stance as if their very jobs are to combat and engage in war with the very community they should be serving and protecting; and ‘us vs. them’ mentality. When someone becomes a Police Officer, their job is to protect and serve the community, not fight or band against it under self preservation.

Innocent black men and women are being murdered by Police almost daily and these murders are streamed on social media for everyone to see. There is no excuse for anyone to ignore the systemic racism and segregation that still exists. 

When Police can somehow stop murdering innocent people on camera, maybe then they have a case to overtly rally professional pride for serving all Americans. But right now, no matter how many pro-police and fire professionals express that this is a non-political action, flying the thin blue line flag is perceived as equivalent to the KKK flying the confederate flag at lynchings. You don't have to agree with this perspective. It is not majority whites who get to decide how an oppressed group of citizens see this action. Instead, you must do your job, and honor ALL voices.

Right now, it is absolutely terrifying for many People of Color to see safety vehicles flying a thin blue line flag. To them, it means that Police and Fire are proud of murdering without recourse. Chiefs, how can you willfully ignore this fact?!

The recent media attention of this topic will show our entire country that our progressive New England part of the world is just as racist as Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama. Is that OK with you? This is what we achieve when our Police and Fire Chiefs display overt support for our police and fire vehicles to fly this flag. 

Have you ever wondered how you might behave during the civil rights era of the 60's? Maybe wondered where you might be on the subject of equality for all people? Right now, we are all acting the answer to that out. Be on the right side of history here. Stand for Equality for everyone. Don't stand behind petty excuses for trying to lend support the police right now. They aren't the ones who need it - what police actually need to do is openly and willingly engage in discussion about reform and reallocation of funds. 

I look forward to seeing you all support Steve Bartha's decision at the community town hall this coming Wednesday.

Lastly, it is unclear how the Board of Selectman feel about this issue, their voices have been absent in this shuffle with vague references of being consulted on the matter or not - my recommendation is that you, BOS, put an end to this silence and be the leaders you were elected to be for ALL of Danvers. Publicly support Steve Bartha. Do not kowtow to the threats of withdrawn support of the Police and Fire who are failing right now to see the bigger picture and who threaten you with breaking their support of you with their currently very loud support base. The people in your community at large want to see you stand up for all the people. Your silence up to this point speaks volumes. Break your silence and comfort the People of Color in our community who are terrified right now. Reassure us that we have elected people who are capable of full and honorable representation.

Natalie Bowers

North Shore Resident

North Shore MA NAACP Co-Founder


How to Support Police Reform Effectively Right Now


Passing Down Postcards